1.10 参考文献
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  [1]Liaquat Ahamed,Lords of Finance,The Penguin Press,New York,2009. p162.   [2]Michael Hudson,Super Imperialism – New Edition: The Origin and Fundamentals of U.S. World Dominanc,Pluto Press; New Edition edition (March 21, 2003),Chapter one[3]Ibid.   [4]Jacques Rueff,The Monetary Sin of The West, THE MACMILLAN COMPANY,1972. p22.   [5]Charles Gates Dawes, Wikipedia,World War I Participation.   [6]Ron Chernow,The House of Morgan,An American Banking Dynasty and the Rise of Mordern Finance,Grove Press, New York,1990.p197.   [7]Michael Hudson,Super Imperialism-New Edition: The Origin and Fundamentals of U.S. World Dominanc,Pluto Press; New Edition edition (March 21, 2003),Chapter one.   [8]John Maynard Keynes,The General Theory of Employment,Interest and Money.   [9]John Maynard Keynes, A Tract on Monetary Reform,1923.   [10]Barry Eichengreen, Exorbitant Privilege,The Rise and Fall of the Dollar and the Future of the International Monetary System,Oxford University Press,2011.p27-28.   [11]Ibid.   [12]Ibid.   [13]Liaquat Ahamed,Lords of Finance,The Penguin Press,New York,2009. P225.   [14]Jacques Rueff,The Monetary Sin of The West, THE MACMILLAN COMPANY,1972[15]Liaquat Ahamed,Lords of Finance,The Penguin Press,New York,2009. P245-246.[16]Michael Hudson,Super Imperialism-New Edition: The Origin and Fundamentals of U.S. World Dominanc,Pluto Press; New Edition edition (March 21, 2003),Chapter 3.
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